Code of Ethics and Conduct
Grupo Cotemar México (GCM) and subsidiary companies, seek excellence through the intense experience of what we value, we are distinguished for being a company committed to its philosophy and to society, thus achieving an image of service and quality.
Our values are the foundation upon which our actions and ethics become a key factor for the development of our operations, being the generator of confidence that represents a mark of distinction that our customers and the market value positively.
Our Social Responsibility strategy is aligned with the Principles of the Global Compact, which establishes a firm anti-corruption commitment and maintain the highest standards of compliance and transparency.
In order to share our values and convey the importance of ethics to our stakeholders, we developed an Integrated System of Ethics, which monitors and seeks an ethical climate within the organization.
Este Sistema establece los mecanismos de comunicación, difusión y vigilancia a los lineamientos establecidos por el Comité de Ética y el Código de Ética y Conducta, además de detectar, penalizar las conductas inapropiadas y fomentar la denuncia de las malas prácticas a través de una Línea Ética.
The Integral System of Ethics is an applicable commitment to all stakeholders of GCM. The standards set forth in our Code of Ethics and Conduct must be followed in addition to the internal Policies and Procedures and in strict compliance with the applicable Laws and Regulations.
We reiterate the commitment to ethical behavior and the willingness of all of us in GCM to maintain competitiveness, good practices and industrial safety at all times, preserving human rights and the integrity of all people.
Executive Director
Haz click aquí y conoce el Código de Ética y Conducta Grupo Cotemar México
Línea Ética Cotemar
Canales seguros y medios autorizados en donde se reciben y canalizan las conductas inapropiadas y comportamientos no permitidos al Comité de Ética. Es una herramienta administrada por un tercero independiente a Cotemar.
Para utilizar el código, primero descarga la App de la Línea Ética de Cotemar, en: