We are a world-class sustainable company that operates in conformity with the highest ethical levels of performance.

We compete under a quality and service framework and therefore, our certifications represent a competitive advantage for our customers.

Estamos certificados bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 Our business activities are certified under the ISO 9001:2015 standard, which guarantees that our operating processes are effective.

Cotemar was audited by Achilles, a global leader in supply chain risk management and performance for different sectors, on matters regarding Corporate Social Responsibility, Health Safety, Quality and Management, Environment, and Human Resources, based on the standards of the Supplier Information Management Community for the South American Oil and Gas Industry (SICLAR). As a result of this audit, Achillies confirmed that no non-compliances were detected.

PEMEX : recognized us as a Reliable Supplier.

Safety Management System : Our marine safety activities are approved by the International Safety Management Code, and Det Norske Veritas granted us the International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate.

ISPS-PBIP : This code provides an international cooperation framework to detect security threats and adopt preventive measures. It also defines roles and responsibilities at the national and international levels, ensures the collection and exchange of information, provides a methodology for performing protection assessments, and provides assurance that adequate protection measures are in place.

SRC : Por onceavo año consecutivo recibimos el distintivo como Empresa Socialmente Responsable por nuestra dedicación y compromiso con el bienestar de nuestros colaboradores, el cuidado y la protección del medio ambiente y la vinculación con la comunidad.

MARPOL : is a set of regulations compiled in six Annexes that contain rules that include different polluting sources caused by vessels. A compliance certificate is awarded for each Annex.

ISO 14001:2015 : Our maintenance and construction business line for onshore and offshore oil facilities are certified under the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which assures that we care for the environment.

OHSAS 18001:2007 : Our maintenance and construction business line for onshore and offshore oil facilities are certified under the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard, which ensures the health and safety of all our employees.

Quality System Certification : Our entire fleet is certified under the ISO 9001 standard, in trend analysis in the indicators, a quality management system that provides us with indicators that will help us improve the performance of our operation, using a Check-Do-Check methodology

Clean Industry Certificate We received the Healthy and Safe Company (Healthy and Safe Company) Award from the Ministry of Labor, as well as the Clean Industry/Environmental Quality Certificate from the Federal Environmental Protection Bureau.

TRACE Certification in global anti-corruption regulations.

ORS : Por tercer año consecutivo recibimos el Distintivo Organización Responsablemente Saludable ORS® 2021, que otorga el Consejo Empresarial de Salud y Bienestar, CESyB, el organismo que promueve la salud y los entornos favorables al bienestar en el lugar de trabajo en México, desde hace doce años.

El CESyB destacó el compromiso de Grupo Cotemar por obtener el nivel “Sostenimiento”, por su programa “Balance Cotemar”, destacando el esfuerzo de la organización por mejorar la salud y la calidad de vida de los colaboradores y sus familias.


Third Level Safe Company : Certificate awarded by the Ministry of Labor (STPS, Spanish acronym) recognizing Cotemar as a company that operates under national and international standards regarding occupational health and safety.

Great Place to Work


Great Place to Work : Por cuarto año consecutivo, Cotemar recibió la certificación Great Place to Work, la cual reconoce la cultura organizacional de la empresa como de alta confianza, al estar sustentada en la credibilidad, el respeto, la imparcialidad, el orgullo de pertenencia y el compañerismo.

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001:2018: Certification in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.


ISO/IEC 27001 : 2013: Certification in Information Security Management Systems.

ISN logo

ISNetworld®️: Certification in Information Security Management Systems.






Certificación IQNet SR10: Certificación que verifica y valida la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Responsabilidad Social, siendo Cotemar la primera empresa en México, y la única en el sector energético mundial, en contar con una certificación de ese tipo.

